There are people who want to change the experience of using the Telegram app. You can do many things to completely alter the experience of Telegram. The only which will come to your mind is changing the icon of the telegram. In this article, you will be guided on How to Change Telegram Icon on iPhone and Android?
Every time when we try to compare social media platforms that which of them are good in customization, then Telegram is always the best among all of them. Telegram is always trying to go ahead from Signal and WhatsApp, from every aspect. Further, without changing the Telegram icon you can change the theme of the app, the size of the texts, and many more.
Questions will come to the users of Telegram while chatting with someone is our chat safe and secure? The answer to this question can be yes and no, like when you are messaging regularly to someone then your chat is not end-to-end encrypted. To that point, your chat will be safe and secure when you start messaging in a secret chat.
If you want to alter the Telegram icon then you have to read and follow the guide. So, without wasting any time let’s get started.
How to Change Telegram Icon on iPhone?
Step 1. Firstly, open the Telegram app on your iPhone.
Step 2. Click on Settings on the bottom right corner side.
Step 3. Tap on the Appearance.
Step 4. Look at the section of the app icon and then select any of the icons that you want after that tap on Ok.
How to Change Telegram Icon on Android?
Step 1. First of all, you need to open the Telegram app.
Step 2. Now, click on the Three Horizontal Lines at the top left corner side.
Step 3. Select Settings.
Step 4. Once it gets you in the settings section then tap on the Chat Settings.
Step 5. At last, go to the section of App Icon, and you will see 6 types of icons. The first 3 icons are free and the other 3 are premium.

Final Words
It was all about How to Change Telegram Icon on iPhone and Android? I hope this article is very helpful for you to alter the icon of the Telegram app. From this article, you will get something good. This was step by step guide on what you were searching for it. Further, this is the right place where you can easily solve your problem. After following these steps I hope you will not face any kind of problem. However, If you faced any kind of problem and if you have any type of suggestion then do comment.
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