Telegram is one of the fastest messaging, calling apps. It has been used by millions of people all over the World. It is a freeware, cross-platform, cloud-based instant messaging service. The service also provides end-to-end encrypted video calling, VoIP, file sharing, and several other features. Most of the people are using it for sharing large videos as well as for large file sharing. If you are from Pakistan and willing to use it then this article will give the idea. So, I will show you How to Use Telegram Messenger App in Pakistan?
Telegram was blocked and banned in 2017 for the users of Pakistan. Still, it is not working in most places of Pakistan but there is a way to use telegram even if it is banned. With the help of a VPN, you can use any banned app without any problem. Therefore, go through the steps down below and Use Telegram Messenger App in Pakistan.
You can also use Telegram proxy for Pakistan to run the App
How to Use Telegram Messenger App in Pakistan?
If you want to use Telegram Messenger in Pakistan then you should download Turbo VPN. Without a VPN it is not possible to use Telegram in Pakistan. Follow the steps down below to connect to the VPN.
Step 1. Once the Turbo VPN is installed successfully then open it.
Step 2. When the is VPN is open then click on the Carrot icon after that the VPN will be connected.

Activate the Telegram on your Phone
Step 1. First, you need to open the Telegram app then click on the Start Messaging at the bottom side.

Step 2. Now, select your country code then type your phone number.
Step 3. Next, click on the Arrow.

Step 4. However, wait for a second then the message will pop up where you can get the activation code or Telegram may Telegram type for you the activation code.
Step 5 Then you can access your telegram chatting section.
Bottom Line
It was all about How to Use Telegram Messenger App in Pakistan? I hope this article is very helpful for you to use Telegram in Pakistan. From this article, you will get something good. This is the right place where you can easily solve your problem. After following these steps I hope you will not face any kind of problem. If you faced any kind of problem and if you have any type of suggestions then do comment.
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