In this article, I will guide you How to Fix Mobile Usability issues in Google Search Console in 2019. In Google Search Console you have must not have any error or issues in order to have a high ranking on Google. When you have error or issue in your Google Search Console then in the search result of Google under the URL of your content you will Your page is not mobile-friendly. This error has is not good for the websites because it will also decrease the traffic of the websites. If you want higher Google Ranking then the error in Google Search Google should be removed. Now the task is with site owners to check and ensure the mobile-friendliness of a site to compete well in mobile search results. Therefore, I am going to guide each and everything about removing issues from Google Search Console.
So, most of the websites have traffic from mobile devices. Your site should be compiled with the mobile user experience policies of Google and other search engines. Remember, whenever you get an email like new issues type mobile usability detected in your site then you need to take action as soon as possible. Because it will have an effect on your site. So, I am going to guide the detailed of fixing issues mobile usability in Google Search Console. And I will guide through one plugin which most of the people don’t know about that and you don’t need to change and customize the theme of your website which will waste the time.

How to Fix Mobile Usability issues in Google Search Console in 2019:
Check the Mobile Usability Issues with full details:
To check the Mobile Usability Issues you can direct go with the link on your Gmail. Or direct click on the Google Search Console and enter the email which is connected with your website. You will have many options at the left side oy your screen when you get login into your Google Search Console. So, you need to click on the Mobile Usability under the on the Enhancement tab which is located at the left side of Google Search Console. Then you can find and notice each error which is in Mobile Usability. Read the errors which you will get in Mobile Usability then we will go toward fixing it.

Types of Mobile Usability Error In Google Search Console:
- Content wider than the screen.
- Clickable elements too close together.
- Text too small to read.
- Incompatible plugin use.
- Viewport not set.
- Viewport not set to device-width.
Mostly these errors will be Mobile Usability which will have too much effect on your websites. You can click on the error type to know which exact pages are affected by the specific error types. After you click on an error report, you’ll find the affected pages displayed against the error type. You can also click on View Details for a deeper knowledge of the error. Let’s know How to Fix it as soon as possible.
How to Remove the Issues from Usability:
So, if you have gotten some idea about issues of mobile usability from this article then it sounds the best. Now we need to go towards fixing it which is the very simple and easy way. Therefore, we won’t do anything with the website just we need to install and activate the plugin on the website which is free of cost. The plugin which will fix these issues is by the name of AMP for WP – Accelerated Mobile Pages. This plugin will make your pages of website friendly.
What is AMP for WP – Accelerated Mobile Pages:
Step 1. For installing the AMP plugin you need to login into your WordPress. Then go the dashboard of your WordPress then scroll down, find plugin option and click on the Add New.

Step 2. After clicking add new, you need to search on the search box AMP then install the AMP which is in red color and after installing it you have to activate the plugin.

After installing and activating the AMP you have to customize the plugin which is very easy. For customizing the plugin you need to go to the setting of AMP. And when you do all customization then you need to go to your Google Search Console account then click on the errors which you have got then click on the validate fix.
That’s each and everything about How to Fix Mobile Usability issues in Google Search Console in 2019. It will give you the result within a weak. So, hopefully, it will solve the issues of your mobile usability. If you find any kind of problem and question then feel free to comment. Don’t forget to give your feedback.