If you want to block adult videos then you need to must read this article. However, if you don’t know how to block adult videos then don’t worry I here to block adult videos. I am trying my best to find for you the easy way to block the adult videos. So, without wasting any time let’s get has started. From this article, you will learn How to Block Adult Videos on YouTube App (4 Methods).
If you have a YouTube then on YouTube you will find good videos and you will find a video to eduction. In YouTube, most of the channels are learn the viewers the editing. And most of the channels are gaming channels. On YouTube, you will find any kind of video.
1. Enable Restricted Mode in the YouTube
Step 1. At first, open YouTube then clicks on your Profile at the top right corner.

Step 2. When your profile is open then click on the Settings.

Step 3. Now, you need to click on the General.

Step 4. Next, scroll download then turn on the Restricted Mode.

After doing this step you will successfully enable the restricted then the restricted video will not come again.
2. Install YouTube Kids on Your Mobile Phone
This method is one of the great methods. So, this app is very good for small kids to watch videos of kids. We are going to install the app from the play store. YouTube Kids is free for all users to this app.
Step 1. Open your Play Store on your mobile.
Step 2. Once the play store is open the go to the search bar then type YouTube Kids.
Step 3. Now, when you find the app then click on the Install.

Step 4. However, once the installation is done then Tap on the Open.

Step 5. Moreover, when the app is open then agree on all terms and conditions.
3. Sign Out Your Google Account In YouTube
Step 1. On your mobile phone, you need to open YouTube then tap on your Profile Icon.

Step 2. Now click on the Turn on Incognito.

4. Block Specific Channel on YouTube
Step 1. Open the channel that you want to block.
Step 2. When the channel the click on the Three Dots then tap on the Block User.
Step 3. At last, click on the Block.
After doing these steps you will block the channel then will not see the video of the channel that you are blocked.
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Bottom Line
It was all How to Block Adult Videos on YouTube App (4 Methods). These 4 methods are very helpful for you. I hope after reading this article you will get something. And I hope these 4 methods will help you to block adult videos. If you are facing any kind of problem then don’t hesitate to leave comments in the comment section down below.